The Real Estate Asset Management Solution

Value. Analyze. Pilot.


Millions of m²







Monthly queries



Major real estate players put their trust in SONEKA

in France, Germany, Spain and Great Britain

A platform that centralizes, standardizes and ensures the reliability of all real estate data

  • Information on buildings, leases, portfolios, works, charges, disposals, mandates, valuations, holdings, etc.
  • Integration of data from property management and accounting systems, as well as CAPEX, expense budgets, EDM, customer solvency, etc.
  • Parallel data entry and management directly in SONEKA
  • Data export to other sources (Data-Lake, Power-BI, MS Office, etc.)
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A high-performance calculation engine

  • State-of-the-art calculation of prospective cash flows at lease, property, portfolio and SPV / Fund level
  • Instant calculation of all relevant KPIs for buildings and portfolios
  • Monitoring of covenants
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A powerful analysis tool

  • Creation, management, authorization, archiving and export of Business Plans / Snapshots
  • Creation and management of multiple scenarios at building level and their impact on portfolios
  • Creation of Stress-Test campaigns and their impact on portfolios
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A flexible reporting automation tool

  • Automatic creation of PowerPoint reports for hundreds of buildings from your formats
  • Integration of SONEKA data into your Excel templates and reports, and updating of the latter without opening SONEKA
  • Performance and risk monitoring dashboards for your buildings and portfolios, with key business indicators
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A flexible operational Asset Management tool

  • Monitoring of marketing, mandate performance and evaluation of new leases
  • Approval process for new leases, work plans, business plans, acquisitions and sales
  • Simplified information exchange via a fully parameterizable Newsfeed
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A collaborative tool for sharing data and information, both internally and externally

  • Highly configurable user rights, for both internal and external users
  • All information accessible anytime, anywhere, from any device
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A configurable real estate repository

  • Add all the fields you need on the screens you want
  • Customization of building and portfolio reporting screens with the indicators that make sense to you
  • Integration of your internal governance in all SONEKA validation circuits
  • All with complete autonomy and dedicated administration screens
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A configurable solution

fully customizable to specific customer requirements

SONEKA has productive interfaces with over 35 property management tools,
and new interfaces are added every month.

Our platform enables the integration of data from outsourced or in-house sources, centralized or decentralized, homogeneous or heterogeneous, standardized or non-standardized.

For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

SONEKA est compatible avec les systèmes principaux

pour une intégration transparente dans l'échange de données

Notre interface est en constante évolution pour être compatible avec davantage d'outils. Pour plus d'informations, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter.

Une solution d'Asset Management

Facile à configurer

Une configuration par défaut qui peut être utilisée telle quelle.
Adaptations à la main du client.

Facile à utiliser

Des écrans conçus par et pour des professionnels de l’immobilier.
Une ergonomie correspondant aux standards de 2023.

Facile à initialiser

La possibilité de tout charger via des fichiers Excel.
Des connecteurs avec les principaux outils de gestion.

Why implement SONEKA

THE cloud solution that brings transparency to Asset and Portfolio Management

Easy to initialize

Flexible, controlled integration into existing IT landscape and customer processes
SONEKA est facile à intégrer.

Easy to integrate

Integration of internal and external data from different, non-standardized sources and heterogeneous systems
SONEKA est facile à utiliser.

Easy to use

A highly intuitive solution, so that data can be used by all functions, at all hierarchical levels, internally & externally.
SONEKA est facile à configurer.

Easy to set up

A configurable solution, fully customizable to specific customer requirements

The security of your data
Our priority

We understand the crucial importance of data security. At SONEKA, protecting your information is our top priority.We are firmly committed to ensuring the confidentiality and security of your data. Your peace of mind is our top priority.

  • Regular pen-tests

    We regularly submit our solution to penetration tests to ensure ongoing robustness and security.

  • AWS-certified infrastructure

    Our solution is based on the AWS infrastructure. And all our servers are located in France.

  • Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

    See our FAQ for answers to common questions about data security.

SONEKA actively involved in real estate associations